Since then, Jim has travelledextensively around the world, on motorcycle and by car, earning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for his efforts.
He’s written several books on investing (as well as parenting after coming to fatherhood later in life), which detail his primary investment philosophies held over the last few decades, which, simpy put are, a focus on China (and Asia generally), as well as commodities, for which he founded the Roger’s International Commodities Index.
In accordance with these views, Jim moved his family to Singapore in 2007, as he wanted his daughters to grow up speaking Mandarin and being familiar with China/Asia, in order to maximize their ability to create a happy and prosperous life for themselves in the future. He is a vocal critic of the ‘bureaucrats in Washington’, especially when it comes to their addiction to debt, economic incompetence, and abuse of their power to issue currency.
As you’ll see in this discussion, he believes that similar behaviour by most major governments will have disastrous effects in the very near future(hence the bet on commodities).
Anyways, I’ve been following Jim’s work for many years, so it was a real pleasure to be welcomed into his home for a chat on a rainy day in Singapore.,” writes John Vallies.
- Source, Wall Street Window