Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Whole Economic World Is Artificial

"There is a huge artificial boom going on," warns Jim Rogers as for the first time in history, all the world's major central banks are simultaneously printing money. While he remains adamant of the positive outlook for agriculture, the fact that "the whole world is trying to debase their currencies," produces a "major disconnect" between asset values and economic realities. Stocks are at new highs, not based on reality, but on printing presses "and that cannot work... this is going to end very very badly." While not all western economies are as egregious as others, the intertwined nature means their fate remains very much tethered to the US, and as Rogers concludes, "everybody will suffer, be very very careful as these are perilous times."

- Jim Rogers via a recent Zero Hedge article, read the full article here:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jim Rogers and the White Horse

In the 1920s, there was one bankrupt country. And the consequences still define the world we live in.

Today there are at least half a dozen insolvent nations, including some of the largest economies in the world– Japan, Spain, Greece, Portugal, the US, etc.

And while major economic decline can take years or even decades to unfold, history shows that the consequences affect almost everyone… especially when people look to a man on a white horse to save them from their desperation.

Here’s what Jim Rogers had to say about the Man on the White Horse at our event in Santiago, Chile:

- Source, The Sovereign Man:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Everybody Has Cut Back Dramatically

"When there’s massive new supply coming on stream, then we’ll have the end of the bull market. But the world has consumed more agriculture products than it has produced for a decade now. But worse than that, we’re running out of farmers. The average age of farmers in America is 58; in Japan, it’s 66. Many of the industrial metals are now below the cost of production.

And nearly everybody has cut back dramatically on their expansion plans and investment plans. Oil reserves are declining pretty steadily around the world. We do have shale oil, which has caused a rise in supply. But that’s only in the U.S; the rest of the world has declined. Moreover, it remains to be seen how long the oil boom in the U.S. will continue."

- Source, Guru Focus:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bull Markets End in a Bubble

"Long bull markets always end in a bubble or mania before it’s over with. And when there's a bubble in gold, I hope I'm smart enough to get out. We haven't seen a bubble yet. Until recently, if you went around any U.S. city, you would see signs outside many jewelry stores saying “We buy gold.” And the American people line up to sell gold. Later there’ll be signs there saying, “We sell gold,” and people will be lining up to buy it in big ways. That hasn't happened yet."

- Source, Guru Focus:


Monday, July 22, 2013

Bernanke Has No Exit Plan

"Mr. Bernanke's exit plan apparently is that he is going to leave his job. He doesn't want to stick around for the hangover. He doesn't want to be around for the consequences of what he's doing."

- Jim Rogers via a recent CBS Market watch interview.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

They Will Find Some Way to Take Our Money

"That’s how they'll rationalize taking our money. They know where all the pension plans are because we have to report it, so they're easily accessible by governments. They know where they are, what they are, and they'll be able to snatch them away. Who knows what they'll do, but they'll certainly find some way to take our money when things get worse, they always have."

- Jim Rogers via a recent Lew Rockwell interview:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Short US Government Bonds

Jim Rogers appears on CNBC where he says you should short government bonds. All of this money printing is very bad for the world in the long run says Jim Rogers.

- Source CNBC:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beware The Man On The White Horse...

"As far back as ancient times, whenever civilizations fell into great crisis, people in desperation have almost invariably turned to a single individual who promised them better times. Of course, history is full of examples of men who did not give up power willingly once the crisis passed. As an example, the 1920s economic crisis in the Weimar Republic had a huge impact in the rise of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism. In the 1920s, there was one bankrupt country. And the consequences still define the world we live in. But Jim Rogers sees another "man on a white horse" that scares him even more today..."

- Source, Zero Hedge, read the full post here:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Economic Shocks Coming

Jim Rogers appears on Russia Today, where he discusses if there is light at the end of this economic tunnel.

- Source, Russia Today:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

USA Will Lose The Economic War

Jim Rogers appears on Russia Today. He discusses how he is positive on the growth of China. He believes this is the century of China. He see's the West declining.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Malaysia Has Alot Going For It

Jim Rogers discusses his views on Malaysia. He is very positive on it's government and the natural resources that the control has. He also believe that it will greatly benefit from being China's neighbour.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We Are in a Global Bond Bubble

"Mr. Bernanke believes you can expand the central bank balance sheet infinitely, and suffer no ill effects. Anything you do to diminish demand for the thing will cause the price to drop. Same thing here. Bond prices will drop, which causes interest rates to rise. We are in a global bond bubble. When it pops is anyone’s guess. I have tried to short bonds a few times. The French tried money printing in the 50’s, the Italians in the ‘60s. At some point, the market won’t take it, and bond prices will go down and rates will rise. We have more money than Bernanke and the central banks do. So at some point this will happen."

- Source, Guru Focus:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bull Market is NOT Over Yet

"Bull markets climb a wall of worry. I'm not quite sure where the supply is coming from that would cause the bull market to end. Maybe they know something I don’t. But when you look back at the stock bull market from 1982 to 2000, stocks collapsed in 1987, ’89, ’90, ’94, ’97, ’98. And every time, people said the bull market is over. But it wasn’t. This bull market in commodities will definitely come to an end someday. But someday is not here yet."

- Jim Rogers, via a recent Guru Focus interview: