Sunday, June 12, 2022

Assessing the Bear Market Narratives: Inflation, Crypto, and Ukraine

Rogers Holdings Chairman and best-selling author Jim Rogers joins Oliver Renick to share his macro outlook for this current market environment. 

Rogers dives into ways the Fed can tamp down inflation, and he also shares his perspective on crypto and the opportunities in this market to short.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Jim Rogers: Ukraine, Russia, China & The Coming Crash

An Interview with me and Jim Rogers, who co-founded of the Quantum Fund with George Soros. Within 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P rose less than 50%. 

In this interview Jim covers where he is now investing and the coming crash "The biggest bear market in my lifetime". 

We also cover everything from Jim's move to Singapore, his record-breaking trips around the world, cryptocurrencies, the end of the US dollar as a reserve currency and the commodities boom. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Buying Bitcoin is Not a Problem, US Dollar Reserve Status Could End

A growing number of corporations are holding bitcoin on their balance sheets while more countries are establishing a framework to make BTC a legal currency.

El Salvador adopted bitcoin as legal tender alongside the U.S. dollar in September last year, and recently the Central African Republic made the crypto an official currency.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of people are expecting the U.S. dollar to lose its dominance, fuelled by the Russia-Ukraine war. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki, for example, has repeatedly warned about the end of the U.S. dollar. Renowned investor Jim Rogers also warned in March about the end of the U.S. dollar.

- Source, News Bitcoin

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Jim Rogers hopes for open inter-Korean border

US investor Jim Rogers is in the city of Paju, Gyeonggi Province, which includes a portion of the Demilitarized Zone that divides North and South Korea, where he was previously tapped to become an inter-Korean project cooperation adviser.

Rogers arrived in South Korea on Tuesday and was scheduled to sign the related agreement the following day.

In an email interview Wednesday, Rogers expressed hopes for possible peace and exchanges despite the ongoing tug-of-war between the two countries, including North Korea’s recent missile launches earlier this year.

Rogers told The Korea Herald that the “location alone makes it an interesting and important place to visit and know.” He added that “changes are afoot and once the DMZ is open, Paju will be even more exciting.”

Rogers contends that the Korean Peninsula is still a place worthy of investing in. He said the city “is going to be the single most exciting place in the world for a decade or so” if the countries open the border and start to make exchanges.

“There will be many opportunities here once the DMZ is open. I hope I am smart enough to find them (investment opportunities),” said Rogers.

Rogers pointed to numerous merits that he said would come along with an open border.

If the DMZ becomes open and allows exchanges between the two countries, it will greatly alleviate tensions on the Korean Peninsula, according to Rogers, who said Paju is “an area that contains the potential to establish peace and restore national homogeneity.”

“Maybe you could start having short local train and or road excursions. Once people realize the peninsula does not collapse, perhaps events could expand,” Rogers said.

Railway and road connection projects in the future could allow the countries to secure a new growth engine for the economy and help them reach out to markets in Northeast Asia and beyond.

“Once the DMZ is gone, this will be a transportation hub. I will drive from Busan to London. Or perhaps I will take the train!” Rogers said.

But, with the border closed, “South Korea is an isolated island.”

Rogers advised that the countries start with small steps. South Korea and the city of Paju can start with “just small local events at first,” he said. Rogers also urged the city and its residents “to figure out ways to interact with our neighbors across the line even if very small interactions at first.”

If he was in charge, Rogers said he “would first open the DMZ so that people could come and go as well as trade with each other freely.” With a newly opened border and small exchanges, “Good things will start to happen and change.”

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Jim Rogers Explains Why America Is Entering A Horrific Financial Crisis...

Jim Rogers warns investors of the imminent money printing consequences that may lead to a collapse of the American Empire, currently the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Jim Rogers beat double-digit inflation in the ‘70s by 4,200%, here’s what he recommends now

The markets, in particular equities, are still due for one more push upward before the bull rally ends for good, according to investor, and best-selling author Jim Rogers. 

Rogers told Michelle Makori, Editor-In-Chief of Kitco News that markets are currently pricing in an eventual de-escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

- Source, Kitco News

Friday, April 8, 2022

Jim Rogers Issues Warning: US Dollar Being Used as Instrument of War, It’s the Endgame

The U.S. dollar will die," and it will fall from its position as the world's reserve currency sooner than expected, says Jim Rogers, best-selling author of "Hot Commodities." 

In his first video appearance since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Rogers tells our Daniela Cambone that Ukraine being inducted into NATO is the underlying cause of Russia's actions. 

"Now we're paying a gigantic price," for the actions taken by U.S. elected officials, he says, and when the war is over, Russian stocks will be an undervalued opportunity. 

Other sovereign nations are frantically "coming up with something to compete with the U.S. dollar" due to economic sanctions being ramped up in recent years, Rogers asserts. 

"I cannot see the world having 100% computer money," he concludes, saying governments will use it to control the masses.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Medical education, Jim Rogers, Russian listings, pandemic

The desperate appeals and shocking visuals of thousands of Indian medical students stuck in war-ravaged Ukraine are making everyone ask one question.

What made them travel so far for education? And the answer is access to quality education at an affordable fee. A medical degree costs over three times more in India, than in Ukraine. 

So what can be done to bring down the cost of medical education in India while increasing the number of seats at the same time?

Russia’s Ukraine invasion has sent the stock markets on a roller-coaster ride. It has also sent prices of most commodities, including oil soaring. Brent crude oil has hit 110 dollars a barrel. So what investors should do amid this upheaval? 

Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, reveals his investment strategies in an exclusive interview with Business Standard’s Puneet Wadhwa.

The ongoing geopolitical crisis, he believes, is an opportunity to buy. Financial institutions around the world are winding down or suspending business in Russia, following heavy sanctions against it by the West. 

Global index providers MSCI and FTSE say that these sanctions have made Russia’s stock market “un-investable”. And, removal of Russian listings from their indices is a “natural next step”. But will India really see FPI inflows after this?

After markets, let us move on to a contagious disease which has been causing worldwide havoc for over two years now. 

Covid-19’s dreadful journey started from China as an epidemic, before it turned into a pandemic. And now the third wave is likely to become endemic here.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Jim Rogers: Ukraine Russia Fears Moving Markets, Gold and Silver

Jim Rogers discusses Ukraine and Russia and how this is affecting markets, including Gold & Silver. 

Also his comments on the various central banks and how their policies are affecting Silver & Gold.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Jim Rogers: Commodities are the best place to be right now

Chairman of Rogers Holdings Jim Rogers reveals his investment strategies in an interview with Business Standard’s Puneet Wadhwa. 

The geopolitical crisis, he says, is an opportunity to buy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards & Other Top Money Experts Offer Warnings & Advice For 2022

What do top Money & Markets experts like Jim Rogers, Jim Rickards, John Hussman, Grant Williams, Michael Pento, George Gammon, Wolf Richter & Steen Jakobsen think about the state of the financial markets as we enter 2022? 

How worried are they about inflation, record high prices for stocks & real estate, Federal Reserve tapering &. interest rate hikes, or a market crash? What steps do they recommend today's investors consider taking now?

- Source, Wealthion