Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jim Rogers says oil ignoring bad news usually means rebound near

Oil's holding near $45 while the bad news keeps coming. For investor Jim Rogers, that's usually a sign a rebound's round the corner.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is still pumping near record amounts of oil, China's imports have slowed and U.S. crude stockpiles remain about 100 million barrels above the five-year seasonal average.

Yet, U.S. benchmark prices have held steady for more than four weeks since plunging to a six- year low at the end of August.

“When there's bad news and something doesn’t decline, it usually means it's at a bottom and will be turning,” Rogers, who correctly predicted a commodities rally in 1999, said in an interview in Singapore on Thursday. “Whether we’re at a turning point or not, I don’t know yet and I’m watching this very closely.”

A persistent global glut of crude that's cut prices by half over the past year has prompted banks including Citigroup Inc. to predict further declines, with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. warning they may drop to as low as $20 a barrel. The losses, driven by a U.S. shale boom and OPEC's strategy to sustain output to defend market share, has led a slump in commodities that's roiled currency, equity and debt markets across the world.

West Texas Intermediate crude futures in New York plunged to $37.75 a barrel on Aug. 24, the lowest intraday level since February 2009. They’ve since averaged $44.99 and haven’t closed below $44 from the start of September. The November contract traded 53 cents higher at $45.27 at 1:17 p.m. Singapore time on Friday.

While U.S. inventories remain abundant, the nation's production has slipped in seven of the past eight weeks and drillers have idled more than half their rigs. Those cuts will help stabilize prices, Rogers said.

“Some companies are stopping drilling and production is actually going down in the U.S. now,” the chairman of Rogers Holdings said. “Shell is canceling some drilling. All of these mean supplies will be going down in the future.”

Rogers also said he was watching Glencore Plc, whose shares fell by a record on Monday in London amid concern over its debt load. The commodity producer and trader has since recovered some of the near 30 percent loss after the company moved to reassure investors and as banks including JPMorgan Chase & Co. said the slump left the stock undervalued. Citigroup wrote that management should consider taking the company private.

Agriculture Opportunity

“It might be a good trade if you go public at a high price and you buy it back at a depressed price,” Rogers said, referring to Glencore. “That might be a wise thing to do. On the other hand, they have a lot of debt so I don’t know if they could do that.”

With the Bloomberg Commodity Index, a measure of returns from 22 components, plunging to the lowest level since 1999 in August, Rogers also sees opportunities for investors in other raw materials.

“Agriculture is probably where the best opportunities are,” he said. “I’m not buying rice and sugar at the moment but some of these things are down a lot from their all time highs. There's potential opportunities out there.”

- Source, The Star Online

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Jim Rogers: Mideast Turmoil Could Lead to War

International investor Jim Rogers warns that Mideast turmoil could easily escalate into a war, which would force a sea-change in today’s investing landscape.

“The whole Middle East situation is unbelievable. I cannot think of many times in history where you have so much just pure, pure chaos by so many people," he told

"It’s not as though there are one or two people making mistakes in the Middle East, there must be a dozen people making mistakes in the Middle East, and unfortunately, they are coming together more and more,” he said.

“It looks like it could end in a very, very bad way for all of us,” he said.

“Wars start when bureaucrats make mistakes and then other bureaucrats react to those mistakes and then next thing you know, you have eight or ten bureaucrats sending 18 year old kids to kill each other, and it’s very worrisome what’s happening,” he said.

“War is not good for anything, anything at all, except commodities. I’m not going to say buy commodities because you don’t want to start a war, but if there’s going to be a war, it usually means commodity prices go higher,” he said.

And would military conflict be a way to divert attention from crumbling economies and the lawmakers responsible?

“It is true that throughout history, war has been declared by politicians or bureaucrats have used war to distract people from other problems. I’m not sure that it’s a conscious act, they sit down and say ‘Ah, we’ve got a problem, so let’s start a war,’ or whether it just happens naturally, but in either case, there is no question at all that this is distracting a lot of us from the fact that the economy is not doing well,” he said.

Rogers is utilizing a shelter-in-place investment theology.

“I’m sitting and watching, not doing much of anything,” he said. “I would think that the market should be going down, because we’ve had a six-year run with virtually no corrections in the United States and therefore most of the world. I’ve bought some Russian shares recently; not much. Bought a few shares in Africa recently, not much.”

He also is uncertain just how much of a haven gold will be.

“I own some gold. I don’t think that’s what’s going to be the safe haven at the moment; it could be, I mean, if war breaks out, of course, a lot of people are going to flee into gold, and I’ll be buying more gold at $1,500 or you pick the number, and happy to get it.”
- Source, News Max

Monday, November 30, 2015

A lot of people are going to flee into gold

I own gold, I own some gold. I don’t think that’s what’s going to be the safe haven at the moment; it could be, I mean, if war breaks out, of course, a lot of people are going to flee into gold, and I’ll be buying more gold at 1,500 or you pick the number, and happy to get it. No, if the world reverts to the US dollar, the US dollar goes higher, often, not always, but often, gold goes down when the dollar goes up. People will be fleeing to the dollar, they think it’s the better safe haven. So I would prefer – I own more gold than I do dollars, at the moment, I’m not sure I own more dollars than I do gold, at the moment, expecting the dollar to go higher, which will put more pressure on gold. But I’m not selling my gold; I am hedged with my gold. I’m doing nothing at the moment.

- Source, Jim Rogers via the Midas Letter

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

War Distracts People From the Poor Economy

It is true that throughout history, war has been declared by politicians or bureaucrats have used war to distract people from other problems. I’m not sure that it’s a conscious act, they sit down and say ‘Ah, we’ve got a problem, so let’s start a war’, or whether it just happens naturally, but in either case, there is no question at all that this is distracting a lot of us from the fact that the economy is not doing well. The economy worldwide is not doing well, and this is certainly distracts people, making them think about other things, and it might even revive – it would revive, some parts of the world economy. Not a good way to revive world economies; in the end, you destroy more capital, as well as lives, than you develop, but it has happened this way many times in history.

- Source, Jim Rogers via the Midas Letter

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quantum Funds Co-Founder Jim Rogers On Gold, Russia-U.S. Proxy War, U.S. Dollar

I will tell you, the whole Middle East situation is unbelievable. I cannot think of many times in history where you have so much just pure, pure chaos by so many people. I mean, it’s not as though there are one or two people making mistakes in the Middle East, there must be a dozen people making mistakes in the Middle East, and unfortunately, they are coming together more and more.

I’ve got to sit down and figure out how this is going to end, because it looks like it could end in a very, very bad way for all of us. Wars start when bureaucrats make mistakes and then other bureaucrats react to those mistakes and then next thing you know, you have eight or ten bureaucrats sending 18 year old kids to kill each other, and it’s very worrisome what’s happening.

Having said that, to answer your question, war is not good for anything, anything at all, except commodities. I’m not going to say buy commodities because you don’t want to start a war, but if there’s going to be a war, it usually means commodity prices go higher.

- Source, Midas Letter

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

GSR interviews JIM ROGERS

GoldSeek Radios Chris Waltzek talks to Famed investor Jim Rogers.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Oil Ignoring Bad News Usually Means a Rebound Is Near

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jim Rogers Explains Why He Is Looking More Favorably Towards Russia

Jim Rogers Explains Why He Is Looking More Favorably Towards Russia.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The World Bank and the IMF have become corroded and ineffective

“The world needs something to compete with the US-dominated institutions, some of them - the World Bank and the IMF- have become corroded and ineffective. So, if BRICS offer any new structures that can compete with these long-standing decomposed institutions, it will be very good. Good for the whole world, including Russia and China,”

- Jim Rogers via RT

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jim Rogers on Greece deal, oil markets

Rogers Holdings Chairman Jim Rogers discusses the Greek debt deal and oil prices.

Watch Dagen Mcdowell and Sandra Smith talk about Europe on Mornings With Maria.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

BRICS Bank: SPIEF 2015 Panel (ft. Jim Rogers)


The BRICS economies have established a USD 100 billion development bank to be based in Shanghai. What does this new institution mean for global economic management? What are some of the key areas of focus over the medium term?

RT presenter Peter Lavelle was joined by a set of very distinguished guests - representatives of banks, ministries, think tanks: Pedro Alba, Amar Bhattacharya, Vladimir Dmitriev, Kundapur Vaman Kamath, Philippe Le Houerou, Sergey Storchak, and Shaolin Yang. Front-row guests: Ben Aris, Yaroslav Lissovolik, and Jim Rogers.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Russia woes, Grexit? Just buying opportunities

Russia's economic problems and Greece's possible exit from the euro zone are just more buying opportunities, says legendary investor Jim Rogers.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Greece will collapse this week and people will be terrified

Hundreds gathered in Paris to show their solidarity with Greece, supporting Athens' resilience in fighting the harsh bailout conditions now being demanded. The protesters were mainly from France's left-wing parties.The prime minister is calling for Greece to be respected, to make sure it stays in the eurozone. For more RT is joined by Jim Rogers, Financial commentator and co-founder of the Quantum Fund.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Jim Rogers: Turmoil Is Coming

I suspect in the next year or two we will see some kind of major, major problems in the world financial markets.

I would suspect when we have this correction, it's going to cause central banks to panic. There's going to come a time when there is not much the central banks can do when they have lost all credibility. When governments have lost all credibility. They will print and spend and borrow, but there comes a time when people are just going to say We don’t want to play this game anymore. And at that point, the world has serious, serious problems because there's nothing to rescue us.

I suspect the next economic/financial collapse will be the one they can't deal with. But, if somehow they are miracle workers, be very, very careful. I would be worried about 2022 – 2023 then. The game will definitely be up if it's not up this time around.

My US Dollar holding is my largest position. Not because I have any confidence in the US Dollar; it's a terribly, terribly flawed currency. We are the largest debtor nation in the world’s history. And the debt is going higher and higher and higher. But there is going to be more turmoil coming. And during periods of turmoil people flee to a safe haven. The US Dollar is not a safe haven, but many people think it is, and they don’t know what else to do. So they will go to the US Dollar. They are not going to go to the yen. They are not going to go to the Euro.

We may even see the US dollar, for a variety of reasons, turn into a bubble. That of course is not good for gold. Gold may drop a lot, at which point I would have to sell my US Dollars and hopefully be smart enough to buy gold.

- Source, Peak Prosperity

Monday, June 15, 2015

Investing in China for the Long Term

Taking a longer-term perspective, Rogers reiterates what he's long said: China today is like the U.S. at the start of the 20th century.

"We rose to power and glory in the 19th century despite a horrible Civil War, 15 depressions, very few human rights, little rule of law and yet we became a pretty successful country in 20th century," Rogers says. "That's my view of China."

Rogers' long-term optimism about China was further burnished by the November 2013 Third Plenum, when the country's Communist Party leaders declared the market would play a “decisive role” in the economy going forward.

"To my astonishment and delight, they came out and said 'during periods of uncertainty, were going to let the market decide,'" he recalls. "They said the market is smarter than they are. If only people in America and Europe would figure that out; that the market is smarter than our bureaucrats."

Rogers notes "they have intimated they're going to let people go bankrupt. There's some people in the real estate business in China who should go bankrupt. I hope they let them."

Whether or not Chinese officials will really 'let the market decide' in times of market turmoil remains to be seen. In recent months, however, China has followed a familiar script of stimulus packages designed to soften the economic slowdown. The People's Bank of China (PBOC) has cut its benchmark interest rates twice this year and cut reserve requirements for lenders in February. The government has also discussed liberalizing deposit rates and announced plans to restructure its more-than 100,000 state-owned enterprises.

Partially as a result of these steps, the China stock market has surged: The Shanghai Composite was up 27% year-to-date as of Tuesday's close while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange was up a whopping 55%.

"The Chinese stock market is beginning to form a bubble" that could spread to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other regional markets, Rogers says. Nevertheless, he's not too concerned, saying: "If you sold your American stocks in 1915, you might have looked smart for a while but you would've looked pretty foolish over the next 80 years."

- Source, Yahoo Finance

Friday, June 12, 2015

Jim Rogers "absolutely" still bullish on China

A lot of water has gone under the proverbial bridge since 2007, when legendary investor Jim Rogers moved his family to Singapore, citing the region's huge potential. Of late, China's economy has stumbled badly even as its stock market has surged.

Rogers is "absolutely" still as bullish on China today as he was back in 2007 when he published A Bull in China, one of his many books. "Whatever happens, my children are still speaking Mandarin," he says. "They're not going to stop speaking Mandarin and learn Danish or something."

Overnight Wednesday, the Chinese government reported first-quarter GDP growth of 7% vs. the consensus estimate of 7% and 7.3% in Q4. The World Bank recently cut its 2015 forecast for Chinese GDP to 7.1%, roughly in line with the "new normal" President Xi Jinping discussed last year.

Asked about these figures and Rogers shrugs: "I pay no attention to those numbers," he says. "Most governments make up the numbers. The idea the Chinese government couldn't have any clue about what's going on in China is a little mind boggling to me. I'm sure they're certainly the right direction...but whether it's 3% or 9% I have no idea. China continues to grow, continue to boom."

- Source, Yahoo Finance

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Jim Rogers View on the US Dollar

It's my largest currency position, at the moment, but I emphasize at the moment.

I own a lot of dollars and have done for the last couple of years, but it has gone straight up. Anything that goes straight up you have to start worrying about.

People perceive the dollar as a safe haven. It's astonishing that the biggest debtor nation in history is going to have a bubble in its currency.

- Jim Rogers via CNN

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Would you buy North Korea?

Yes! I'm very excited about North Korea. If I could put all of my money into North Korea, I would. Massive changes are taking place there. I would not have invested in Kim Jong Un's father or grandfather by any stretch of the imagination, but that's like saying that in 1980 you shouldn't invest in China because of Mao Zedong.

Mao was dead and Deng Xiaoping was making huge changes. They are making huge changes in North Korea. The kid is making astonishing changes.

- Source, Jim Rogers via CNN

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Are you still optimistic about China, even as economic growth slows?

I'm still very bullish. I'm still buying more China stocks as we speak. We are supposed to buy when things are difficult.

Right now for a variety of reasons the Chinese are trying to encourage their capital markets, the population is pouring into the market, so is the rest of the world and so am I.

- Jim Rogers via CNN

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Gold Buying Opportunity Has Still Not Come

After a one-year hiatus from Kitco News, Jim Rogers joins Daniela Cambone to share his thoughts on the market, specifically gold. “Gold has its own mind,” he says. “Sometimes it moves with the dollar, sometimes it doesn’t.” Rogers says he’s not so concerned with the daily fluctuations and adds he is still waiting on a buying opportunity. Looking east, Rogers says he is bullish on the Chinese economy despite recent weaker economic data and continued easing in the country. “I’m bullish on the Chinese markets. My largest stock positions are in Asia - China, Japan, Russia,” he says. “I see more real estate bankruptcies in China, there’s a lot of debt buildup in China. But at the moment, I’m still there and I even bought more last week.” Rogers also has a keen interest in the Russian stock market. Tune in now to get his thoughts on the Federal Reserve and why he thinks they may not even raise interest rates this year.

- Source, Kitco News

Saturday, April 4, 2015

If North and South Korea Unite

If North and South Korea unite, Japan will be faced with a huge new competitor, much more powerful a competitor than South Korea is right now. There will be a country of seventy-five to eighty million people right on the Chinese border, with lots of cheap, disciplined labor and natural resources in the north and lots of capital, expertise, and management capabilities in the south. Such a country would run circles around Japan. The cost of doing business in Japan is high and getting higher. Among other things, the Japanese do not have a lot of cheap labor anymore.

Japan is against unification for obvious reasons. I am not sure why America is against it, other than simple inertia. For American bureaucrats, who are intellectually lethargic, characteristically slow to change their thinking, a divided Korea is a way of life. Several thousand US soldiers are stationed in South Korea — it is something of an industry, and an entire bureaucracy subsists on the industry's continuity.

Where are the investment opportunities in North Korea? one might ask. I invest in markets, and there is no market there, so I would have to find companies, maybe Chinese or other Asian companies, that would benefit from the opening up of North Korea. I do not know of such companies right now. But North Korea is ripe for factories, hotels, restaurants, pretty much anything at this point. North Korea has nothing — no mobile phones, no Internet. Like Myanmar, the country lacks everything from the most basic goods and services to the highest technology. Yes, Myanmar has the Internet, but very little penetration. Yes, both countries have soap, but not nearly enough. Yes, both countries have electricity, but not nearly enough.

Tourism, I believe, presents investment opportunities in North Korea. There are only twenty-five million North Koreans, so there is not going to be a big boom in their traveling the world, but there is probably going to be a big boom in South Koreans visiting North Korea. There will be a staggering business in marriage, because there is a huge shortage of girls in South Korea. South Korean men can look for wives in Los Angeles or Queens, but the main source of Korean brides is going to be North Korea. The north does not suffer from the demographic problem that plagues the South.

I am dying to find a way to invest in both North Korea and Myanmar. The major changes in these two countries are among the most exciting things I see right now, looking to the future.

- Source, Business Insider

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Here's Why I'm Dying To Invest In North Korea

In 2007, my wife Paige and I received permission to visit North Korea. I wanted to go there because I sensed that changes were coming.

Now I am not a tour group kind of person. I like to make my own way and create my own itinerary, to decide where to go and what to eat. That is not an option in North Korea, where we had government minders every minute we were there. Walking down the main thoroughfare in Pyongyang, I saw a barbershop, and because I needed a haircut, I ducked inside, where an old man sitting on a stool stood up in shock when I started pantomiming the use of scissors with my hands. I was summarily pulled outside by one of our minders. A haircut, he assured me, was not on the agenda.

By 2007, I think, only something like three hundred Americans had been to North Korea since before the Second World War — there was some strange statistic like that. Virtually no Americans had been allowed to go there since General Douglas MacArthur's troops went across in the early 1950s.

It was clear to me that the North Koreans knew that their country needed changing. And it was not hard to understand why. All the North Korean generals, as young officers, thirty years ago, were sent to places like Beijing, Moscow, and Shanghai. Today they go as generals and see the changes that have taken place, and when they return to Pyongyang they say to themselves: Look at what is going on in those places, and now take a look at where we live — nothing has happened here, this place is still a disaster.

The country's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, was educated at a private school in Switzerland. It is very unlikely that a guy who is thirty years old and spent his formative years in Europe is going to come back and say, "Boy, I really like this, with no bars, no entertainment, no cars, no nothing."

These men have been exposed to the outside world, and they know what is going on there. And in my view that is why North Korea is about to open up. And when it does, it will be a formidable player on the world stage. The Chinese are already pouring in. Up in the northwest, they are building new bridges connecting the two countries. There are new trade zones up there. So change is happening.

- Source, Business Insider

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Is The Worst Over for Crude Oil?

The US asked Saudi Arabia to dump crude oil, which added pressure on Iran and Russia. So, the fall in crude prices is more political than economic while US crude supplies have gone up. Everywhere around the world, crude reserves have gone down and I don't know till when these artificial supplies of crude will continue. Now, if Iran and Russia come to a deal with the West, crude prices will start going up. Crude prices have to do more with the global political development than anything else.

- Jim Rogers via a recent ET interview

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What can India do to retain the interest among foreign investors?

India must open its economy more. The major problem about the economy is it's overprotected, and it's one of the reasons why India is not growing as fast as it should be. To buy Indian shares is not easy as it's overprotected and there is a need to change. The authorities should make the currency convertible and the markets open and get away with a lot of regulations and control. Otherwise, India will never live up to its potential.

- Source, Jim Rogers via ET

Monday, March 23, 2015

Signs of global investors losing patience with India

The current mood of global investors about Indian stock and bond markets is that they are happy. They are confident about India as there is a lot of money floating around. It's the first time in world history that all major central banks of the world are printing lots of money. Japan, Europe, Great Britain, the US are printing money, and that has never happened before, thus there is a huge amount of liquidity. A lot of things are going around the global stock markets, including India. That's why the mood is wonderful among foreign investors. But, one should remember that it's all artificial and cannot last for long. The next time we are going to have an economic problem in the world, it's going to be much worse because there is artificial money floating around, the debt levels of countries are rising while central banks are also managing much more debt. There is going to be much more pain for all of us in the end if artificial money keeps floating like this.

- Source, Jim Rogers via ET

Friday, March 20, 2015

Gold Correction to Continue Into 2015

This week, we are joined by none other than Mr. Jim Rogers. Jim was the co-founder of the legendary Quantum Fund, which he ran together with George Soros, some 35 years ago. Jim has been very successful as an investor, and has many bestselling books to his name. Joining us from Singapore, where he lives with his wife and family, we were able to get his opinion on many of the big questions facing investors today.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Base metals can be a good buy: Jim Rogers

In an interview with ET NOW, U.S. investor Jim Rogers says he is not a buyer in gold at the moment and is hedging funds as of now. Rogers, the author of “Street Smarts: Adventures On The Road And In The Markets” also says base metals can be a good buy currently.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Raw footage of Jim Rogers interview - The Bubble film

The Bubble is a feature length documentary that ask those who predicted the greatest recession since the Great Depression, why did it happen and what are we facing? The documentary is an adaptation of Tom Woods' New York Times bestseller Meltdown. Filmmaker Jimmy Morrison is releasing each interview in full for free before the film's release.

- Source, The Bubble Film

Monday, March 2, 2015

Korea Today - Special Talks with Jim Rogers in Singapore

Special Talks with Jim Rogers in Singapore
The Chairman of Rogers Holdings said, "I would like to put all of my money into Korea once it begins reunification." We met with the world-famous investor in Singapore to hear about why he chose North Korea and his insights on economic value of the country.

Friday, February 27, 2015

INSEAD's Lily Fang interviews investor and author Jim Rogers

A career in investments is full of opportunity as well as potential failure. An investor who has become famous for his foresight and successful decisions is Jim Rogers, who joins us today on INSEAD Knowledge.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gold Seek Radio Interviews JIM ROGERS

GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks to Famed investor Jim Rogers.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Gold will end in a bubble someday

One reason I’m not buying gold at the moment or silver or gold, specifically, is that gold has not had a 50% correction in many years. Now, you know, Bob, as well as I do that most things correct 50% every few years. It’s just the way markets work. It’s normal. They may correct 50% – within the context of a bull market even.
Gold has not done that for several years, which is why I’m waiting. I don’t know that it’s going to correct 50%. But if it does, I’ll certainly be buying a lot more. But that’s a very good point. Gold back in the ’70s went up 100% in a year or two, and then it turned around and went down 50%. It scared the socks off a lot of people before it turned around and went up 850%.

So, in my view, the same sort of thing is happening with gold now. A difference is we have a lot more bulls on gold now than we did in the ’70s. In the ’70s, gold hadn’t traded in most markets, or certainly not in the U.S. in the big Western market for decades. So you didn’t have many people who even knew gold could trade.

Now, you have a lot of people who think that gold is holy, who are very faithful to gold. In my view, we gotta shake out a lot more of those people before gold can really have its ultimate bull market top. But gold will end in a bubble someday, in my view. But we cannot really hit that solid bottom until we shake out some of the faithful.

- Jim Rogers via

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Current Oil Market is Very Bad for Russia

The oil market drop is not good for Russia – no question about that – and it’s making the ruble go down. But, no, I see this as an opportunity. Unfortunately, I’m not very good at timing, so I don’t know when the opportunity will be.
Oil prices are not gonna stay down forever, I suspect. And Russia will rebound with oil or when they get their own act together. I mean, they’ll have to – if oil stays down at $60, they’ll have to get their act together and reorganize. But they’ve got enough resources. It’s a vastly, vastly rich country as far as resources are concerned. And it’s a very, very cheap market. I think it’s selling at half of book value right now. That’s not an expensive market.

It’s perhaps the most hated market in the world except for Argentina, I guess. And – well, not even that. Argentina’s not as hated, ’cause people are trying to raise money to invest in Argentina. So I guess Russia must be the most hated market in the world, which normally is an opportunity, Bob – normally. I mean, I emphasize normally. Who knows where the bottom is? I don’t.

- Jim Rogers via

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Central Bank of Russia is on the Right Track

I own some Russian stocks. To my astonishment, the main one I own is not even down in all this. I guess it’s because it’s – it sells in dollars. Its expenses are in rubles, and it sells in dollars. So that’s helping it, and that’s – Aeroflot (MCX:AFLT) is another one I own, which is also sort of benefiting these days.

But to answer your question, I don’t have a clue. I do know – I think we all know – that markets go up too far, and they go down too far. Once you start building their momentum, panic develops. People get more and more scared. Marching calls go out. So I have no idea.

As far as I’m concerned, the Central Bank in Russia has been doing the right thing. They said they were not going to intervene anymore. Yesterday, they intervened for the first time in a while. But I think it’s very smart – not intervening. Let it collapse. Let it find its own level. And then we’ll have a staggering rebound.

But who knows? It’s 52 right now. I guess, it’s 52 right now. You’re right. It changes every three minutes. Who knows? Why not 60? In Russia, they talk about 60 as some kind of catastrophic bottom. Who knows? I don’t anyway.

- Source,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Russia’s 2015 economic outlook

CCTV America interviewed Jim Rogers, who runs Rogers Holdings, a investment firm, about the 2015 economic outlook.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jim Rogers on Russia, China, and commodities


Erin sits down with famed investor Jim Rogers to talk about Russia, agriculture, and China. Rogers is bullish on agriculture and likes China. But he sees the Chinese purchase of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel as a top of the market kind of “trophy” acquisition. Jim also comments on whether a US equity bear market is on the horizon.

- Source, Russia Today


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jim Rogers on ruble: Russian central bank doing it right

Russia's PM says emotions have been one of the main factors driving the rouble out of its comfort zone. It is now sliding a little after regaining some ground following Tuesday's shocking falls. Financial commentator Jim Rogers believes panic is a crucial factor driving the rouble down, but overall he's optimistic about Russia's plan to tackle the problem without strict capital control.

- Source, Russia Today

Monday, January 5, 2015

Expect global oil prices to fall further

Jim Rogers, chief executive of Rogers Holdings, says he is surprised by the sharp decline in global oil prices. With America's shale oil boom continuing to cause oversupply, the oil prices will continue to see a downside momentum, he adds.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Jim Rogers Weighs in on Commodities Carnage

As global commodities prices plummet, it’s incredibly convenient to pronounce the commodities super-cycle dead, isn’t it?

Yet banks from Goldman Sachs to Citigroup to Deutsche Bank are on record as saying it’s over.

The Rogers Commodities Index, which represents the value of a basket of 36 commodity futures contracts, is down 20% since mid-June.

But does incredible opportunity lie among the carnage?

Well, I asked the Founder of the Index, celebrated hedge fund manager and bestselling author, Jim Rogers.

Jim was born just a stone’s throw away from Wall Street Daily’sheadquarters in Baltimore, Maryland, and I get smarter every time I speak to him.

- Source, Wall St Daily